Apps Are So Out

I know, I know… Apps are the next “It” thing if you are in business. But I am proposing that you NOT carry your cell phone everywhere you go. And hey, especially when you are exercising. Because, if anything, exercise is your hour to yourself everyday. And it should be peaceful and quiet and you shouldn’t have emails buzzing and text messages being sent and you shouldn’t be looking at yet another florescent screen just to follow an exercise routine. No, I’m thinking all you need is your eyes, your ears, your heart, your arms and legs to carry out the most physical part of your day. Forget technology, get in touch with something even more intelligent and complex–your body.

So I’m developing a CoreFit Deck that you can take with you. Get the first of these workouts here and print out so you can just grab them and go to the gym. In fact, why not just take a few in your gym back so all you have to do is follow the pictures and do the routine. Simple. And it won’t even show up on your data usage.



Core Values

You probably already know that a strong core is key to riding better. And with the weather warming up, this is the best time to prep for your long rides. You may be surprised, but there’s more to your core than just abs and doing crunches won’t do the trick. Too many cyclists forget muscles that riding neglects–glutes, back, hips and obliques.

The workout below, targets those muscles to create a stable platform for your legs to generate real power.


The Metabolic Workout


By Shayna Robinson, MSPT, PhD

Want to rev your metabolic rate?
Try jump squat thrusts, and add a plank knee twist between the thrusts and jumps. Do 10x and you’ll be on your way to all over weight loss and muscle tone.


Metabolic training is a way to burn cals quickly and shred muscles so you see definition. It works by increasing your metabolic rate–the rate at which your body burns cals at rest. It’s made up of 3 components in your exercise;

1) Metabolic Training Uses Large Muscle Groups


Trending: CycloCross

It’s not just the rush of full threshold, no holds barred racing that makes CycloCross the hottest trend this season. CycloCross is a sport–part racing, part mountain biking, dismounting, carrying your bike over obstacles–that proves to be tough on even the most serious athlete.

Because you push yourself to 80-90% of your max, it gives you a tough workout in minimal time. And more and more athletes are moving towards sprint workouts; that is, sprinting through multiple types of exercises to get the full body workout you need. This preps your body to do pretty much anything.

CycloCross bikes, or Cross bikes are made like a racing bike--light weight with the ability to maintain high speeds--but with an off terrain tire, made for mud, climbing and high intensity maneuvers.

Enter your own personal CoreFitCross workout plan:

Get on your bike and push yourself to your lactate threshold–the threshold where your muscles start to burn. Hold it there for 30 seconds and then push to your max for 15sec. Drop it back down to your threshold for 30sec and drop down to 30% of your max for 3 minutes. Repeat this 6 times. You can try it going up a hill–it perfectly replicates what CycloCross is all about.




Challenge #18: Stretch

Sunday is a perfect day for a stretch challenge. You’ve worked hard all week–now it’s time to reap the benefits of exercise with some STRETCH recovery.

Do your light workout today–whatever that may be. Then go through this yoga stretch routine and see if it helps you refocus your mind and body (to recovery), so it’s primed and ready for Monday.


Challenge #17: Tempo Run

Want to beat the masses at your next 5k, 10k or half? If you are a competitive runner, you know you get your edge from making incremental improvements in your training. TEMPO RUNS are the solution to a lot of training plateaus because they teach the body how to efficiently metabolize oxygen.

Try this TEMPO RUN and see where you stand:

1. WARM UP for 1 MILE with a JOG pace (40-50% max speed)



Challenge #16: Standing Half Splits

Now a few of you (okay, maybe all of you) will look at the thumbnail STANDING HALF SPLITS image and say to yourself, “Shayna must be on drugs if she thinks I can do that.” While I don’t expect you to fully extend your leg to the sky (like the crazy lady in the picture), you can certainly begin with a HALF MOON POSE.

Try working with a stability ball. Place one or both hands on ball and slowly lift leg up, while bringing upper body down towards ball. When you have your weight and balance figured out, start rotating your outer hip high towards the ceiling for HALF MOON. If you are ready to move on to standing half splits and have the flexibility in your hamstrings, SLOWLY rotate your hip back down towards the floor to square your hip off. Then as you engage your hamstring on the up leg, pull your abdominal wall in and slowly bring your upper body down. This is the full STANDING HALF SPLITS.



Challenge #15: Power Up

Alright, let’s face it, I know you guys are all a sucker for a pretty face. And while this intro picture might be a clever ruse to draw you in to checking out this POWER UP workout challenge, I’m willing to bet you either want to look like this guy, or be with this guy. To do either, you have to have a body to match. Try CoreFit Challenge #14 to power up through plyometrics, and full body core work. If you want to really push yourself, add a 50m sprint in between each exercise without resting.


Challenge #14: Donkey Kicks

Want a BUTT so tight you can bounce a quarter off it? Haha, no, you don’t have to do lunges all day long. You can do something that blasts your booty, core (for HOT ABS too, why not), arms and gets your heart rate going (CARDIO). Wake up the booty for some Monday morning action!

CoreFitChicago’s 30 Day Challenge #14 is Donkey Kicking: Do as many as you can for 1 minute. How high and fast can you kick your legs up?!?


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