Daily Mantra: Stay With Yourself

Monday morning can be difficult but it always presents a new opportunity to start fresh. You can change how you feel physically by taking a small step today towards a goal. Monday is a day to practice staying with yourself. Being present, being aware of yourself in your surroundings. Stop reflecting on the resistance that’s pushing in around you. Quiet the external thoughts that bombard you while you workout. Feel whatever your body wants you to feel. Allowing yourself to feel the momentary physical awareness will quiet your mind from the chatter going on around you and let you be open enough to progress forward. It’s a physical revelation. And when you start trusting your deepest feelings, whether or not you can explain them, you start trusting your body to do what it was designed to do. Before getting to this point, I wouldn’t let myself do something unless I knew I could explain it. Now the explanation can come later.

1. Relax into yourself. Trust your body not to lead you astray.

2. Stay with your experience; whatever you are feeling–tightness, pinching, opening–stay with that feeling and acknowledge it as temporary.

3. Feel the joy of your ability to experience. Many people in this world don’t have the ability to experience physically what you can.

4. Surround yourself with this joyful thing, this experience. Know that you are loved by this joyful thing, this gift of physical experience. Love it back, in the moment.

5. Relax into yourself, because you know you are this joyful thing. You are this physical gift.


Daily Mantra: Resistance

People start resisting when they are making themselves do something that they don


Friday Morning; Reserve Judgement, Just Flow

NONONO- “Pumpin Blood”

During your practice, reserve your judgement.

There may be feelings that pop up. Feelings of insecurity, inability, or fear.

Let those feelings float away.

These feelings don’t define you.

Embrace those feelings. Feelings like that are a guide to the unknown.


Athlete’s Secret Training; FF Factor

The best training secret an athlete can give you is that in their most successful moments, they have absolutely no control over their body. Their body is simply following through on the training they have gone through, strengthening their quick twitch muscle fibers. They let their emotions take over and their body simply follows suit. So one of the best things you can do is training is to practice


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