Health Apps Call Your Info “Currency of the Future”

Could your Nike Fuel Band turn your health information into the currency of the future?

The U.S. has strict privacy laws guaranteeing people access to traditional health files. But implants and other new technologies


Breast Cancer Screenings and Overdiagnosis

Talking Points:

  • The RSNA claims independent guidelines by the US Preventative Services Task Force discourage women from being screened.

  • The RSNA has an interest in promoting its own procedures as a preventative means despite the fact that many women screened often have false positive diagnosis and over-treatment.

CHICAGO: Breast cancer screenings are again in the news as the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA, meeting in Chicago this week) claims that the guidelines set forth by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force — an independent medical panel with federal support–could discourage some women from being screened. The Radiological Society obviously has an interest (some might say conflict of interest) in promoting its own procedures that sometimes cause false-positive cancer diagnosis and over-treatment.

The RSNA looked at rates of mammograms from women 65yrs and older on Medicare. The rates of screenings inched up 1% between 2005 and 2009, but dropped as soon as the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force released their recommendation.

The claim that increased screening leads to decreased mortality is both confusing and controversial simply because there are many cases of screenings which result in early detection and misdiagnosis. They catch cancer that has to be biopsied and in many cases turns out to be malignant, but this doesn’t take into account the fact that no one knows which cancers will be fatal or not.

The problem, the panel said, is that for women younger than 50, the benefits of mammograms may not outweigh the risks. Those include “false-positive” results that lead to needless invasive tests and anxiety (which are more common in women younger than 50), and over-treatment of early breast tumors that would never have progressed.


Exercise and Improved Connectivity for Parkinson’s Disease

Give Me That Competitive Love

Could the future of athletic sports performance be judged by Oxytocin production? Imagine NFL drafts based around hormone production and neuropeptide activity in the brain.

We felt it yesterday afternoon. That urge to high five the guy sitting next to you as the Bears defeated the Vikings. That chemical reaction in our brain–that Oxytocin surge–is responsible for feeling the bond between teammates, players and even fans. Now imagine a draft pick based on Oxytocin production–a team with higher production levels is going to be a better performing team…?

Oxytocin is a unique chemical produced by our pituitary and released in our brain. It evokes feelings of contentment, reductions in anxiety, and feelings of calmness and security around the mate.[23] Many studies have already shown a correlation of oxytocin with human bonding, increases in trust, and decreases in fear. It is no wonder that more and more health professionals have begun to acknowledge the correlation between Oxytocin production and performance in athletes.

Recently a study in The Scientific World Journal


Mild Concussion=Permanent Damage?

Action Points

  • *Mild traumatic brain injury disrupts the brain’s “default mode” in a way that shows up on functional MRI and correlates with symptoms.
  • *Note that the abnormalities in default-mode network connectivity were associated with cognitive dysfunction, depression, anxiety, fatigue, and post-concussion syndrome.

In a small study published in Radioloy mild brain trauma was found to have long term symptoms in default brain functions like memory encoding, consolidation, and environmental monitoring. Also affected was the medial prefrontal cortex associated with self relevance, rapid error identification and social functions. Problems with this network have been seen in Alzheimer’s disease, autism, and schizophrenia.



Trending: Platlet-Rich Plasma Treatments

Athletes are the #trendsters of rehab. They utilize all the newest therapies in order to rehab in record time so they can be ready for that next game.

Today, CoreFit examines platlet rich plasma–or P.R.P. The treatment, involves centrifuging a person



The Cardiovascular Showdown

Swiss researchers found that BMI calculations are a better predictor for cardiovascular disease than cholesterol levels. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. In the past, many doctors have relied on blood work to view LDL and HDL levels. BMI calculations are based on simple division of the individual’s body mass by the square of his or her height.

Q: What is the significance of a BMI calculation being a better predictor for cardiovascular disease than actual cholesterol levels?

A: Beyond the obvious cut of cost in blood work and the increased sample size for future research, I think this also gives us another clue as to how obesity and fat levels are correlated with overall disease within the body. As BMI moves upward, can we use it as a better predictor for disease in general?


Soda for Fat Burning?!?

You’ve heard of everything diet, but a soda that can actually help you drop weight?! This week Pepsi is introducing it’s new product to Japan: Pepsi Special. With a fat blocking substance called Dextrin, Pepsi promises us a new way to look at soda. Here’s everything you need to know about Dextrin–the so called magic bullet.

What is Dextrin?
Marketed in the U.S., Dextrin is sold as a supplement called


Movember: Sex, Food, Exercise

Sex. When I write about sex, I get 25k hits. So you can imagine that I’m all for Movember–the month we focus on Men’s Health–mostly because we get to talk about sex and your prostate.But I’m also here to share the top 3 ways you can reduce your risk. Yes, we’ll talk about sex first…..

1) Ejaculation. Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests ejaculation, through sexual intercourse or masturbation, can reduce your risk of prostate cancer and can keep your prostate in check. But not just any kind of sex or masturbation;


Compression for Recovery and Performance

You’ve probably seen it on professional athletes–those tell-tale tights; They are actually compression garmets.

Q) What do compression garmets actually do?

A) They compress the affected area creating a higher pressure of blood flow. Blood flow is really important as an aid for recuperation, but it can also be a good tool for preventing your muscles from fatigue.

Q) When can I wear compression garmets?

A) You can wear compression garmets as a tool during competition, activity or post exercise for a quicker recovery.



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